CUC for Triggers



What sort of cleanup crew can I get for a tank with Triggers? Hermits and Nassarius snails are lunch, Turbos clean mostly the glass and rocks. Would any star or cucumber stay alive with Triggers and do they clean up the detritus on the bottom? How about a bottom feader fish?

el guapo

Active Member
I have kept chocolte chip stars with triggers. Nothing like a queen or a titan but with a humu humu , undulated . Never had a problem . In the new tank I might try a tiger tail to see how that goes .
The big red starry hermits work super good too they are big enough to fend off most triggers .


Active Member
I have scarlet hermits, turbo snails, Nass snails, cerith snails and a few other types with my pinktail trigger. However, the trigger did kill my engineer goby who I've had for years and was almost 16" long...took almost 5" off the poor thing.


Originally Posted by RCreations
What sort of cleanup crew can I get for a tank with Triggers? Hermits and Nassarius snails are lunch, Turbos clean mostly the glass and rocks. Would any star or cucumber stay alive with Triggers and do they clean up the detritus on the bottom? How about a bottom feader fish?
i have like 100 or so hurmits missin a few now and then but most live just come out at night when light are off.lost most of my snails but u take those chances


My Triggers temporary home had about 30 hermits (large red and blue) and 10 nassrius snails, plus two fighting conchs. All but a few are gone within a few weeks. I just witnessed the Humu eat one of the conchs yesterday. So I was asking about the CUC for when I move them in the 150gal next week, so I know what I can put in.
Is the chocolate chip star good at cleanup? I was also thinking about the larger hermit crab species. I saw some at the LFS.

el guapo

Active Member
I like the CC stars . They do a good job of cleaning . In fact they have such an apatite you might have to offer then food from time to time . They will how ever eat softies . so if you have Zoas, shrooms or polyps they will eat them .