CUC Question

scopus tang

Active Member
How would you tell? In my understanding (and again, I don't keep a lot of fish, so I haven't had much experience with this type of stuff), the purpose of a QT is to give diseases (like ick) a chance to appear and be treated outside your DT. The QT doesn't prevent disease in and of itself, nor does spending time in the QT, unless one is specifically medicating for a particular disease. I've never heard of hermits or crabs having ick or any of the other diseases that affect fish (perhaps others have), so what are you going to medicate them for? Again, I don't keep alot of fish, and I just did read a thread where someone mentioned that they QT everything, but unless your medicating, I don't see the point. The dormant stage for Ick can be fairly long I believe, which means you would have to keep them in their for a pretty long time to get rid of it. Again, maybe someone else with more experience in this area will comment.


There is no reason to QT a CUC. Just temp aclimate and release into DT. Make sure all snails are right side down or crabs will eat them for there she'll.


Active Member
There are people that QT everything, and although you cannot medicate the CUC for any diseases such as ich, you can wait out the life cycle of the ich so that you are possitive you are not introducing it into your system. The ich's life cycle is six weeks long, so if you could keep them in QT for six weeks without fish going in, that would be your only advantage. This is something you have to decide on if you are going to go for or not.
I do have to say that I do not practice this, but I have to disagree with the statement that there is no reason or benefit of QTing the CUC.
This is a great question though!


Invert only need to be quarantined for three weeks. There is no host so they will die off quicker than if a fish were present. And yes they should be quarantined, especially if they were in with fish. You can add a few pieces of live rock for them to feed from and add a very small amount of food to the tank every three days or so.


Originally Posted by camanuch
There is no reason to QT a CUC. Just temp aclimate and release into DT. Make sure all snails are right side down or crabs will eat them for there she'll.
Inverts have to be drip acclimated for at least three hours. They can and do die from acclimation shock.


Originally Posted by sepulatian
Invert have to be drip acclimated for at least three hours. They can and do die from acclimation shock.
i stand to be corrected. i will be aclimating my CUC for 3hrs for now on. im sorry for the miss leading info. i was under the assumption that it was just temp aclimated not drip..... thanks sepulatian for clearing that up


Originally Posted by camanuch
i stand to be corrected. i will be aclimating my CUC for 3hrs for now on. im sorry for the miss leading info. i was under the assumption that it was just temp aclimated not drip..... thanks sepulatian for clearing that up
No problem. I think that you may be thinking of corals. They are temp acclimated.


I think I experienced first hand the effects of not drip acclimating inverts...started off with 12 hermits when I introduced my CUC...per LFS (and really I knew better from reading here in the forums, but I heard what I wanted to hear) they adviced me to just temp acclimate for like 20 minutes then put in the DT.
Well...only 6 survived to the following night. I sure would hate it if I only had a 50% survival rate after moving to a new place!

The new wave of inverts got drip acclimated for about 3.5 hrs...100% survival rate after about a week of being in.