CUC Question


Right now, I have 4 Nassarius Snails, 3 Turbo Snails, and I think 4-5 Mexican Turbo Snails. I also have a Diamondheaded Watchmen Goby and a Lawnmower Blenny for sand and algae control, many very small starfish, ALOT of Bristleworms, and a Peanut worm. Is this enough for a clean up crew or should I add more? I had Hermit crabs but they reaked havoc on my Zoo's.


Active Member
tank size is needed to give an answer. but dont follow the lolcleanup crew recommendations they sell hear or any other site for that matter.


Active Member
Right now, I have 4 Nassarius Snails, 3 Turbo Snails, and I think 4-5 Mexican Turbo Snails. I also have a Diamondheaded Watchmen Goby and a Lawnmower Blenny...
i meant blenny and above..i would have stopped at the blenny.
none of the worms, and same for the starfish.


The worms and starfish weren't a choice. Got them all with my live rock and unbeknownst to me, truck load of Aiptasia