CUC with snowflake eel

im curious what kind of clean up crew you guys run with eels. my snowflake is rather small, and has NEVER showed any aggression. the only invert in his tank right now is a decent sized hermit. but id like to grab a few turbo snails for the little bit of algae i have. id also like a few crabs bc they seem to me to be the most personable inverts. i used to have an emerald that was my favorite thing in my tank. he was really cool, but mysteriously died one day. also with my hermit being about 3 years old and a good size, will he eat all the snails i put in? ill give him to the LFS is so. but any input is appreciated guys!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Barracuda1
snails should be fine all around but eels will eat crabs asap
not true. My eel is atleast 10 inches long. I keep him well fed. I have a CUC of 12 blue legged hermits and they are still alive and doing well. Keep your eel fat and happy he will not bother them.