

Cucumber. It really looks like a piece of crap with corn in it, however, I've heard that it is great for cleaning the sand. I also heard it could be poisonous if it dies. Are these creatures noctunral? One came with my clean-up crew. He crawled into a cave, flattened himself against a rock and hasn't moved since. He is nocternal?


hmmm...ugly, uninteresting behavoir, and potentially fatal to your entire tank if it dies. At least a sea apple looks cool before it sprays your tank with poison and kills everything in it.
I recommend burrowing white stars- they do the same job, but are more interesting and not lethal.


I agree with the Captain. Burrowing Sand Sifter Stars are great. You only see them once in awhile. They spend most of their time under the sand eating crap.


Old Yeller, how can I tell visually if one dies? He just hangs out inside one of the caves near the back wall. 1) Does he really do alot of good back there? 2) Does he ever come out and play? 3) When he dies, what will he look like so I know when to pull him?
I've got the one that really looks like a piece of crap.


Active Member
I'v had two cuc's in my 75 for about 6 months and love them.No that not the most appealing little guys in the sea, but they are hard workers.And yes they can be toxic.But I have had crabs ride them, shrimp torment them and was unable to find them for weeks at a time.And never had a problem
Sifting stars(burrowing) are great as well.Look into some fighting and/or queen conchs as well.For those of you who don't have them your missing out.They are a true work hoarse.


i read somewhere that the terd looking cucumbers wouldnt poison a whole tank if they died like a more colorful one or a sea apple
Ok I know everyone warns people about the dangers of the cucs but I know many people who have them and never complain. As predator said we've had them in our tank for 6 months and they've never hurt anything. They are not really the prettiest invert out there but I think they are a great addition to anyone's tank. They are constantly working at sifting through the top layer of our sand.
And as for the sand sifting stars, I recommend them also. They are hard workers and have contributed to the reduction of algae growth in our sand bed along with the conchs and hermits.