Culturing copepods


Does anyone have a good link for culturing copepods (separate from DT or refugium). What size tank do you recommend? I bought a 2.5G (which I can return). Then I saw a 10G for the same price. I like the smaller footprint, but I want a decent setup so I'd like some advice. BTW, I'm feeding a scooter blenny and a sixline. Thanks!


I tried doing this in a tank for a period time just after x-mas. When I researched it online, people had them in mason jars in windows with an air bubbler giving a little circ and air to the water. You put a sponge in the jars for them to breed in and feed the jaw very tiny amounts of high quality food every several days. There was quite a bit on google. Try doing a search on breeding pods. Good luck. It takes awhile, so you may need to buy some to stock your tank with first before you start doing this.