Cup Coral Info


Active Member
I got a blue cup, and am just curious for some testimony about them, and their needs. Waterflow, lighting, placement, etc.
Yes, I do research. Just curious for some member's info too. Thanks yall. :cool:


Active Member
Oh nice, yeah I have mine at the top right now. Just to give it as much light as possible. THat blue did catch my eye too though. How big is yours? Cup coral that is. :D and how much did you pay? Mine is a perfect circle, about 4 inches across. I paid like 50 bucks for it I think. This LFS is overpriced but has great stuff. :cool:


Active Member
Last night feeding my fish, i saw my cup coral suck down a few pieces of mysis... i was like whoa lol.. didnt know they they would eat anything like that
but mine is up top too


Active Member
Yeah slothy, I noticed that too and was taken aback. Mines polyps started closing around some mysis and seemed like it enjoyed it. I was pretty surprised.


Active Member
Ok, I guess this place isnt as overpriced on some things then. I know a lot of their dry goods are, but maybe not so much their corals and fish. Mine is pretty concave. I like that cause I need some more variety in the tank. Cool. :cool:


Active Member
where did you order your bulbs? I just got em offline for 25, not much diffference but still. I hope to upgrade to halides soon, but thats not for sure.


Active Member
blue cups doo need much more lightign than regular brown ones. man i used to feed my cup chunks of krill and it would just gobble them down. it grew so much that it started forming colonies from the base of the cup that were little mini cups. now i have one in my 20...very cool!
good luck