cupramine copper and copper test kits.

dr. jay

Hi guys..... Question. For copper treatment, I have been using Cupramine copper. Problem is... The test kit that I have been using by Tetra gives me the same reading as tap water. I have been embarrassed to bring this up, as I thought I was simply doing the test wrong, but I brought this up to a friend of mine who told me he had the same problem. Is it because Cupramine is non-chelated and some test kits only test chelated copper. If that is the case, I will at least feel better that I can successfully add copper but sorry I didnt bring this up sooner. Please write back.


Staff member
Actually, I was thinking of switching all my test kits over to Red Sea's brand. Do you think ovreall, they are better. I mostly use
dry-tab at present.

dr. jay

Hi... any idea where I can get a good test kit that will react with CUpramine copper???? Red Sea test kit??? Where can I find it??


Staff member
Dr. Jay: Posting links to competitor websites is illegal on this website, so, please, anyone answering this question should do so in email.
But, J: Come-on, buddy...use your search button on your web brouser....go to the Red Sea web page!

dr. jay

The answer Terry B is that the Master Trey taught us over and over again with agonizing frustration on his part that newly purchased fish arrive in your home with ICK whether you see it or not, notice it or not. It is a matter of time until you see it. The purpose here is for quaranteening the fish for 3 weeks. I do not want to leave the fish in a sp grav tank of 1.009 for 3 weeks. As it is, I make my QT 1.020 so that ick doesnt thrive there. This is what Trey taught us. And... HE IS ALWAYS RIGHT !!!!
Cost of liquified garlic....30 cents
Cost of liquified garlic bought in the LFS...28 dollars
A word from Trey.... Priceless.


I am currently treating w/ Cupramine and bought a Red Sea test kit. I was a little suspicious because after adding the recommended dose I got a zero reading. So I filled the test tube almost half full of cupramine then salt water and re-tested thinking that I would get some kind of a reading for sure. But I still got a zero reading. I have a kit on order from SaltwaterMaster. That's the regular test kit I use and I have been pretty satisfied w/ it. Hopefully the copper test kit will be just as good.


Staff member
Terry: The reason why some people opt for copper over hypo is easy. Sometimes there's not enough time to go thru the lengthy course of treatment required by hypo, you need treat and treat now, in which case copper is the treatment choice.

dr. jay

Hi Terry.... Like Trey.. You eem very knowledgeable as well. I very uch appreciate the time and effort you put towards this forum and my question specifically. Trey has put in countless amounts of time, to help all of us with this fascinating and yet expnsive hobby. We all go into it thinking it will be a nice ornament in our living room but then we get sucked in... Listening to the local fish store man who almost NEVER has our best interest at heart as if the fish live, he loses money. One LFS wner truly advsed me to add new fish five days after white spots disappear. So like a s-hmuck I put in a beautiful Henniochus sp. in the tank only to lose him 2 days later.


Active Member
I can definately say hyposalinity does work. It was well tollerated by my fish so I dont see why people would be so hesitant to use it. In my opinion copper is much more risky especially with angels.It was not effective until the salinity was at 1.009 so as mentioned before as far as lfs using 1.017 salinity to keep the parasites at bay I think it is more economical then treatment oriented.

dr. jay

So would you guys suggest quaranteening my new Emperor Angel with hyposalinity (1.009)???? rather than copper??? I would imagine we would be talking about a 3 hour introduction

dr. jay

Terry B.. Hi.. someone said tht he read articles on the internet that you wrote. Do you have any citations of them? Thanks for replying.... you have been a very fine addition to this forum.


I am currently using Coppersafe to treat in a QT. I purchased a Fastest Copper test kit. It looks to be much easier to read than the Red Sea kits. I would get a better kit if they were available. I am wondering though, it only reads from .05 - .25 mg/l. Is that the same as .5 - 2.5 ppm?
Next, how do I increase the dosage for Coppersafe so that I get exactly 1.5 - 2.0 ppm? Or do I just add any since it claims to stabalize within that range? Thanks.

dr. jay

Hi Terry B... Yes.... I would like the citation (refrences for articles that you have written), especially on diseases, or any other article you are proud of (or any article that you think is interesting (except please no reef refrences as I dont know thoes mushroom looking things from plants.)) I am trying to go into the more of the science. Also... can you reccommend a GOOD aquarium magazine.
Also... I am sure many people appreciate your input. I did realize early on that you have to have thick skin on this forum. One poster even insulted my kids. :mad: I wanted to strangle some of the people on this forum. Hang in there..... I personally really appreciate all of your input. I thought I was a moron for not being able to read my copper test kits, so I am now isolating fish without knowing how much cupramine is in there. For all I know all the fish I killed was a result of too much copper rather than the dreaded ich.


I would stick to the directions on Coppersafe too, but it doesn't indicate how much copper a certain dose adds. It just says one teaspoon ( which I assume is 5ml ) treats 4 gallons. And to replace accordingly if I make water changes, I don't know how much each ml adds to the copper strength. :eek: