Cure LR????!!!!


hi....well i was going through the reef tank forum and i red a post about LR "curing".....i have no idear of what that procces is...all that i understood is that you have to do something with the Lrs b4 you add them to your
what is Lr curing?
how to do that?
why do that?
thnx for the help.....
sorry for asking such a dumb Q...but i keep on dicovering things here!!! :(


LR curing is basically getting the rock ready to place in your tank. If you put un-cured (just shipped to you or purchased from store) into an established tank it will re-cycle your tank and raise your ammonia levels to dangerous levels.
Curing LR is easy! Just get a few rubbermaid containers (or trash cans...something large, clean, and that can hold water). Mix some saltwater (same salinity as your tank), fill the container, place the rock in along with a power head and heater (set to the same temp as your tank), wait. Test the water regularly and when all the ammonia, nitrite, and trates are pretty much gone you are all set. Some people recomend doing a water change after your tests level out and then waiting a few days to a week after that. It basically just takes a lot of patience.
Hope this helps, and if I am mistaken someone please correct me.


you will find a ton of information if you search "Curing live rock" on this board, but here's the short answer: live rock is full of bacteria, tiny critters, and living things such as algae, etc. In the time it takes to travel from the ocean to your house, some of that stuff will suffer and die off. If you put it directly into your tank, the decay of the dead or nearly dead stuff will cause an ammonia spike and may cause some trouble for your tank. So, the idea in curing is to put the rock in "isolation" alone in a tank or container of some kind until it is stable. This is a good time to examine the rock for unwanted stuff, too, like aiptasia, unwanted crabs, mantis shrimp, bristle worms (some ppl don't want them) so you can get the rock in the condition you want before you put it in your show tank.
If you buy rock from your local fish store, it is usually coming out of a tank, so its already had time to go through this process and thus can be placed right into your tank. Thats it in a nutshell.
Vendors will say their rock is "cured" but most ppl feel ANY transport of rock merits a curing process. Like I said, do a search and you will find lots of other thoughts on this. Enjoy!