cured, or uncured?


When I get LR for my new 30g cube, is it dumb to get cured rock, since it will be the only thing in the tank. To me it seems the cheaper non cured LR would be a good choice, but maybe I'm wrong on that point? Also I do realize that I will still have to scrape off the spongy, big stuff that will die anyway. Just looking for some opinions, any help would be appreciated thanks.


Active Member
2 weeks ago I was faced with the same decision. I ended up with the uncured since it was nearly $2 a lb. cheaper. Since I was just starting my tank and received a lot of help from the great people on this board the decision was fairly easy. If you are just starting your tank it's better to get the uncured since you have to cycle it anyways. Mine is at the end of the 2nd week waiting for the cycle to finish. I hope that helps and good luck. :happyfish


Active Member
Since your are just starting up the tank buy uncured. If you are buying the rock offline and it will be shipped ALWAYS buy uncured. If you buy cured rock offline you will still have to cure it becuase of all the die off.