Cured Rock And Things


I was wondering cause tomorrow I guess we are gonna start filling the bigger aquarium up... Is it better to add all the stuff in like live rock... artificial plants and decorations that you want when you set it up and let it cycle and not add anything again. Or can I keep adding cured live rock to the aquarium as I wish? Live rock is very expensive to do it all to once... Its like $7.99 pound


Active Member
if its fully cured it probably wont be that much of a deal. but i would just add everything at once..its a lot easier. buts thats JMO


Active Member
oh yeah you could buy live rock online it is cheaper but the problem with that is you get a lot more die off and its goes threw a longer cycle..but its a lot cheaper. the die off will look just as good when some of the stuff from the live rock spreads to it.


i've been adding small quantities of live rock..cured since problems..i would say yes..u can add alittle at a time..u can also by uncured live rock and cure it in a new unused trashcan..or container..salt..heater power head..for as long as it takes to cure..2-6 weeks..good luck


Active Member
If you can afford it do it all at once. If not, it will stil be fine to add some a little at a time afterwards. If its got to be shipped to you, yur going to have more die off so either cycle it separately in another container until its fully cured before adding to the DT or add very small pieces at a time . There are very few folks out there that can actually afford sufficint quanity of rock for say a 150 gal tank all at one time, and some have problems with a 10 gal. Just do not use any deqad shrimp in the cylce process and your cycle will be better overall adn more critters on and in the rock have a better chance of surviving, since the ammonia levels and nitrite levels will be a lot lower for them to dealwith during the cycle.