Curing Bio-Balls?


If I took a box of Bio-balls dumped them into my already established tank (IE the Sump) where they just floated around in there would they grow the beneficial bacteria on them?
Thinking about doing that so I have them for future applications where I could set-up a QT without having to cycle.


I see no reason why they would not collect some bacteria colonies. I might suggest that you place them in some type of large screen nylon bag so they don't wind up finding there way into a pump, opening or tube or anything that you don't want them to. Some of them do sink and roll around with the current.
Let me know if you wind up using them for any applications, I'd like to know how they work.


I actually bought a box in Feb thinking it might work and tossed them in so they've been in the sump a few months now. With the baffles etc they can't move far from where I have them at.
I'm looking to set-up a nice size QT in the up and coming weeks along with a few other fish projects I finally have the time to do so we will see how it goes. I will keep you informed.