curing Live Rock


Active Member
My question is this:
How long do I need to cure uncured Live Rock for? Also, I'm not going to be here for about 5 days... I know when ur curing Live Rock u want to do many water changes to try to keep the amonia and nitrates as low as possible... Will everything be ok if I'm gone for 5 or 6 days then do a water change, and then gone for another couple of days? I assume that LR is not high maintenance when curing. (I've always bought Cured LR, that's why I'm asking. Thanks a lot.


i cured my live rock in a rubbermaid tub with power heads and a heater. placed a shrimp and piece of fish in it. then let it run it's course. did two water changes and checked for Ammonia levels to drop then placed it in the tank when it was gone. i think you should be fine leaving it for a few days. i did my water changes at one week and then at three weeks.


No fish Eric,
Just do water tests on it till the ammonia and nitrates are 0 then you can stick it on your tank. Don't worry about leaving's probably better that you're gone.