Active Member
My question is this:
How long do I need to cure uncured Live Rock for? Also, I'm not going to be here for about 5 days... I know when ur curing Live Rock u want to do many water changes to try to keep the amonia and nitrates as low as possible... Will everything be ok if I'm gone for 5 or 6 days then do a water change, and then gone for another couple of days? I assume that LR is not high maintenance when curing. (I've always bought Cured LR, that's why I'm asking. Thanks a lot.
How long do I need to cure uncured Live Rock for? Also, I'm not going to be here for about 5 days... I know when ur curing Live Rock u want to do many water changes to try to keep the amonia and nitrates as low as possible... Will everything be ok if I'm gone for 5 or 6 days then do a water change, and then gone for another couple of days? I assume that LR is not high maintenance when curing. (I've always bought Cured LR, that's why I'm asking. Thanks a lot.