Curing live rock


New Member
I ordered 45 pounds of live rock and was wondering how exactly to cure it and if what I heard was true. Right now the rock is in a big plastic bin with a few power heads. I heard that you need to leave it in a bin like this for 2 weeks or so and perform 100% water changes once a week, then after 2 weeks take the rock out, scrub it with a brush, then it is safe to put in your established tank. I was just wondering if I need to wait that long or really go through all that.


That's about it. I dunk it in the old water a few times before putting it in the container of new water. Just to make sure its rinsed off really good.


Active Member
just about it, just test for ammonia/nitrites before adding it to anytank with critters. if there is still ammonia/nitrites in the bin let it go another week or two once there is no ammonia or nitrites, just trates then it is cured.
you dont have to scrub it nif you dont want to, once all the ammonia and trites are gone anything you may scrub off could very well be live., I would have scrubbed off the dead stuff before putting it in the tote to cure.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
first thing you need to know is how long it was out of water did you order it on line or get it from your lfs


New Member
thanks for the help, as of now there is loads of junk at the bottom of the barrel where i have the live rock so im going to dump all that out, rinse the rock off a bit again than put it back in for more curing. I also heard that if you smell the live rock when it comes in it smell pretty fishy and nasty, then after a week or so if the smell is less intense it lets you know its being cured properly, but i wont go off just that.


Yeah from what I've heard if you get that rotten egg smell it needs curing, if you get that fresh clean ocean smell its been cured pretty good.
Anyone know if there will be enough die off (to recure the rock) tranporting the rock from your LFS to say 15 minutes to your house. Im assuming no but would like opinions on that if anyone knows. Basically should this rock be scrubbed gently if at all like in the video posted.


Active Member
15 minutes isnt enough time to worry abnout just make sure they cover it in wet paper towel for transport. I bring a bucket with a lid and have them fill it enough to submerge the rock, when I buy from pet stores.


Thats great idea Freak. I shall bring my bucket next trip to buy another 10 pounds. 85 pounds in a 55 should be plenty to help my tank right?