Curing Live Rocks


I'm just starting up my 45 gallon salt water aquarium. I received my fiji live rocks today. Can I cure it in my tank, I have 30 of live sand in there right now and nothing else.
Heater is on: 80 degrees
Filter is on
Protein Skimmer is on ( no bubbles or froth yet)
My question is: Can I cure it in the tank?


Active Member
Get a new toothbrush and scrub the rock to remove the dead/decaying matter.
Place in tank. Some folks don't run lights, but I suggest running them for a few hours a day. The life on the rock has been through a huge change; no reason to further shock it by 24 hour darkness.
Keep a close eye on Ammonia and do water changes to keep Ammonia below 1ppm. Again, some folks don't do this; That's primarily because they think removing water removes bacteria. It does not. Ammonia at or close to 1ppm kills even your benenficial bacteria. (See "Reef Invertebrates" by Calfo and Fenner)
Starting a tank off with curing live rock s a great way to begin the tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by grovetsly
How much of a water change should I do? Should I change it everyweek?
Change whenever Ammonia approaches 1ppm. However often. Do 20-25% changes on curing vats of live rock. More if Ammonia spikes high.
The thing to rmember is high Ammonia is far more lethal than sudden water changes to curing live rock.


So I should get an Ammonia test kit and test it everyweek and if Ammonia level rises to more than 1ppm I should change water about 20-25% of it?


Buy a master liquid test kit. You will need all of the testing supplies very soon. API sells one for around $20. Be sure to mix your new SW in a bin for 24hrs at least. Do you have a mixing bin set up with a powerhead? Do you have a powerhead in the tank to blow around the rocks?