Curing LR


New Member
I've been keeping FO tanks for years now and have finally decided to get LR. What do I need to do to cure LR? If the LFS says the rock is cured I've herd it is best to cure yourself for an additional week or so. Is this true? If so How?
Thanks for any input in advance.


Active Member
The curing process just happens with a little time. Make sure you have the corrct temp 72 - 78 and plenty of water movent through your power heads. Die off will occur even if it was fully cured at your LFS, this is normal, just use a toothbrush and have a siphon goin to get rid of it.


If you want to keep all the good stuff on the rock, don't srub it or cure it. I've gotten rock through the internet, and put it straight into the tank. I cured my rock the first time, by putting it into buckets for two weeks, Killed every thing inside the rock and on it. If your going to buy Rock, don't kill what comes with it.


I agree with Tykill, I did the same thing with my first shipment of live rock...Right into the tank, and that is the ONLY of my rock that is actually growing BEAUTIFUL stuff, and lits of it...the other rock I CURED isnt growing a damn thing...I think its a matter of choice..
~Sue ;)


What exactly is the definition of "cured" lr? If I buy lr from my lfs is it technically already cured?


Yes, if you buy it from a LFS, than it should already be cured. Even from a internet site, the rock is cured at there warehouse then sent to you. Two days in the Mail system and you will have some die off, but nothing that will destroy the rock. As long as you have a protien skimmer and some type of bacteria growing in your tank, Throw the rock in, you won't regret it.