Curing Rock

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
When i cure my rock and put it in a different tank can i use regular water or do i need to get RO water for it???? And i know have to have the salt.


Staff member
You can use tab water as long as it is declorinated and, preferably, aged. However, if you are just starting up a new tank, you can just put it in the tank and let it cure there.


after 3 days i did a 70% change to get the dirty water out and then you just wait for the cycle to complete, 4 weeks
We have cycled 3 tanks now using LR. You don't want to do a water change at all atleast until the cycle is finished. We just run a protien skimmer in the sump and have two power heads in the tank. Tank cycles in about 3 weeks. Never do a water change during your initial cycle or it will disrupt the cycle.