
nm reef

Active Member
...about what kind of routine you folks keep on a daily basis.I try to keep a relatively low tech/maintenance free system. On the average I probably spend 30 minutes to an hour in the morning and again in the evening on routine daily stuff.....
For example I just got home from work and the first thing I want to do is check and see on the guys are doing....

Then I normally run the magnet over the display front while I take a close look at as many reef inhabitants as possible. Just sort of visually check the status of 50 + corals/tomato clown/hippo tang/coral beauty/snails&crabs&shrimp...:D
After that I check the sump to see if everything is running smooth...

Then I check my additive containers and mix new drips as jug each for Seachem Reef Advantage/Reef Builder/Kalkwasser...most days the kalk and advantage are started in the AM...and the builder is dripped in the evening.

Last I take a casual glance at the refugiums just to insure everything is flowing smooth. Tons of micro fauna and macro algaes in the refugium which is at a relatively slow flow rate of 100-150 GPH. It gravity returns thru the wall to the display.

Evenings maintenance done...then its time to check the forums and see how ya'all are doing!
So...whats ya'alls evening routine like?:cool:


Active Member
My routine is pretty basic.
Mornings I check to make sure everyone is still alive, and nothing got knocked over at night. Check the sumps, pumps, powerheads, skimmers, and filters.
Evening same thing just also top off water, clean glass, and then feed every other day.
Non feeding days 20-30 minutes.
Feeding days 45-60 minutes.
Weekends I spend an additional 1-2 hrs for water changes, and misc.


Pretty much the same...
Befor work (early)
Weekdays :
5:30 am - check the temp and equipment to make sure everythings ok. Check the kalk drip to make sure it finished and didn't klog.
4:00 pm - Check the corals and critters (looking for anything abnormal); clean the glass; feed and add phytoplanton according to schedule. Check pH, temp and equipment; Empty the skimmer if needed.
9:00 begin dosing kalk and mix tommorrows batch
weakends add : test water (alk/calcium); water change of 10%; visit the locals fish stores.
weekdays : 1/2 hour
weekends : 1 hour


jeez, mine is very basic..
wake up everymorning, check temp...check everything over just to make sure its all ok... check prizm skimmer to see that its working and evrything.
at night, i dose b-ionic and the on saturdays i dose tech-i, and on tuesday and sunday, i dose phytoplex. i clean the glass at night too...oh, and in the morning, i turn my fans night i turn them off...
i just built in some fans into my canopy because my lights were driving my temp up to 87 degrees!!!!!!!!
now its at a steady 77


Active Member
ok the only things that are done daily are topoff water,
and Add Calcium and Alk, 10ml of each,
clean tank with magnets if needed usally every other day,
feed once a day, clean skimmer once a week
Enjoy watching the other 23hrs 45min of the day:)


My routine follows Stacyt just about to the letter.NMreef,do you mix you're three additives in seperate containers and then pour them in the drippers in the pic.Not trying to be a copycat but i like your simple and very effective methods and your pics are evident that it worksandwhen i get my 125 up and running i want to apply this method.With your permission of course.:D .Thanks Chris

nm reef

Active Member
NMreef,do you mix you're three additives in seperate containers and then pour them in the drippers in the pic.

Nope....I add 1/2 tablespoon of the product and fill the container with ro water. Then it sits and settles for several hours before I start the drip.The Reef Advantage and Reef Builder leave virtually no residue behind...the kalk does. I normally empty out the kalk container prior to mixing a new gal.
I've been developing a DIY project that will use 3 - 5 gal containers and 2 float switches. One switch will feed kalk and the other will rotate the Seachem products.Hopefully I'll have the auto top-off in place within a few months.:cool:


Wow!I usually feed in the morning.Start the ro/di to top off,get in shower,turn off ro/di when done in shower.feed a little more and check out inhabitants to see if they are all doing well.And,every other day or so I clean the glass,skimmer and any salt creep on reflector.My system is pretty maintenance free.Hopfully I did'nt just jinx myself!!:D