Curious about Hammer???


Active Member
I have heard that leather corals can have a negative effect on hard corals. I have never heard of anyone who has problems with this and LPS, but occasionally I hear of someone who has problems with SPS. I got a colt coral a week or two ago. It was doing great, but fell off the rock one day. I picked it out and rubberbanded it back on the rock. It slimed of course. It was late and I wasn't thinking, so I just put it back in the tank. The next day my once amazing hammer coral was now all shriveled and looked terrible.
This was about 4 days ago. Now the coral looks amazing again and is thriving. Could this recession be due to the colt coral? Or was it something else? It looks great now, so I'm not worried...just curious.


Active Member
Could be, I have frogspawn, sps, 3 types of leathers (that have slimed at some point) all with no ill effects.
I would say tank size, filtration, circulation also play a part though as the amount of slime compared to the system and how fast it is removed.


Active Member
Especially if the current in your tank takes the slime towards the hammer. I have read that it is a good practice to have the leather in a place where the current takes the slime towards your filter without crossing much in the way of other LPS and SPS.


Active Member
Some good advice Spanko and jackri. I'll evaluate my flow tomorrow. In my mind it seems to be fine. Maybe i can pick up some carbon to throw in my reactor in the case that this happens again. One of the tentacle's tips was ripped off by a fish when the coral wasn't healthy. Now everything's fine though. Thanks for the quick responses.