Curious about my Honeycomb eel...


Does anyone out there know what the avg. life span is on my tesselata? He is about 2 feet long and I've had him for 1 year. He lives in a 125gal. with a goldentail and naso tang. Thanks .


I don't know about average but I had a jewelled moray for over 7 years. I find it strange to talk about average lifespans for aquarium fish because they generally do not die of "old age". :notsure: Fish generally die because of something that we've done wrong and not because of any natural lifespan. I have heard of fish living for 10-20 years in tanks. Let's just say that your tesselata will live as long as you can maintain it. JMO.
BTW, tesselata's are my favorite eels. Got any pics?