Curious about nanos


I really have a lot on my plate now, setting up a 30g hex w/ seahorse but after lurking here I have became very interested in setting up a 10g nano reef. So tell me are they very difficult, how much time is involved and ect. I just want something to think about/posibly look forward to. Thanks.


Active Member
Well I am not sure how recent future your talking about but I would surely wait a while after your seahorses before getting a nano. Both are pretty difficult but I must say that the nano will be easier. :p
Anyway, almost everything you need to know in this sit is here, just give a quikc grace through the posts and i am positive that you will find every thing you need.


Not recent future at all, I just got curious. This is my MO, start one project while thinking about the next one! If I am successful w/ the seahorses and you say the nano will be easier then I will just be speechless, since I have heard nanos are the most difficult aquaria out there. Perhaps that was just a personal opinion.


Active Member
I'm sorry, i correct myself on a few occasions.... One it depends on what you want to have, what lights you ahve and how much money you have. I'm sure there are things you can do that will be much harder than seahorses but for a beginner nano would be much easier than seahorses... it's just all about how you schedule yourself and if you can actually care for your tank EVERY DAY... it's just simple stuff that grows tiresome and hard.


We are getting ready to set up a 12g Nano Cube and are really curious to know what you mean by EVERYDAY, is this water testing or watching the water level or temp or all of the above?
Any info is greatly appreciated.


Pretty much all of the above. You don't need to check water params everyday but until the tank has matured you might have to check them at least every couple of days. Other than that they need to be monitored very closely. My 10 gal has been set up for just over a year and I probably average 20 minutes per day on maintainence. Again everything is dependant on what you do with the tank. Some info on my tank is posted here.
Good Luck!


New Member
I think a 10G nano is extremely easy to do.
I never kept a fish or coral in my life until earlier this year. I started up a nano and I was fearing all these problems, but I never had any problem as I knew knew what expect and what to do from all the reading I've done.
I think the only reason why people think its hard is because most people don't spend the time to READ about it and don't know what there doing really :p
Since one of the fish I have is a Scooter Dragonet, I spend about 20-30 minutes a day just to feed him 3 times a day. If he wasn't in there, I would probably spend maybe 5 minutes a day to feed the other fish.
I also dose B-ionic, that only takes about 1 minute a day.
Takes about another minute to top off the aquarium every day.
Once a week I spend about 20-30 mins to do a water change and clean the glass off.
I test my calcium and maybe my PH and nitrates once every few weeks to see where its at, so thats another 5-10 minutes.
When I was cycling my nano, I tested every day for the ammonia and such, but after it finished I started testing less and less since it wasn't needed.