Current pics



Here is my 90 following a crash in may where I lost all my fish. Right now I am back to 6 fish in the system and what an expensive lesson I learned...



Active Member
The tank looks great... How long has the tank been up? Also I have heard of alot of problems with urchins and corals. They tend to eat coral reefs in the wild. Like a herd of cattle they will eat anything. IMO I would get rid of it. Also I know manderins are cool fish but tend to be very delicate in tanks with little rock, ie pods. How is your doing? Is it new? Also how long ago did you add the fish?
Good Fishing
Themadd1 :D


Active Member
tanks lookin good....
sorry to hear about your crash earlier on!!!
i like the mixture you have right now.... maybe add some more LR but otherwise looks great!
yeah i had a prob with my urchin he loved coraline algae...
i have a mandarin and hes doin good with 150lbs LR in my 100 gallon but he also has learned to eat frozen preperations
good job!


The system has been up for about a year and a half. I have been monitoring the urchin and he has been a good boy. I got rid of about 3 of them and now only have the one. He never stays in one place very long, so I am ok with him for now. The mandarin has been in there for about a month and he too visits the entire length of rock. He eats all the time, but the fuge seems to be feeding the tank fairly well. Regarding the rock. I am actually searching for the perfect piece of rock right now. I want to find a somewhat large, flat rock that will fit behind the reef against the glass that I can drill holes and place shelves into it. I may have to make a piece out of concrete, then soak it in SW for a while to get all the bad and icky stuff out of the concrete. I have read about people doing it, but dont know how long to wait between the time the concrete cures until it can go into the tank. So far, the base rock I have in there is being seeded nicely. Small amounts of coraline spreading as well as some mushrooms and polyps. I actually had the bubble tip anemone split from 1 anemone into 3 seperats anemones about 2 weeks before the crash. Since then, I have added a second power sweep and a 40W UV sterilizer. I no longer dose with kents tech A&B and switched to dripping Kalk - 1 gallon a week. This hobby is like an addictive drug huh?


Active Member
deffenitaly is like an addictive drug....
but we dont like to call it that lol!
anyways sounds like that rock will be coool when u get it all figured out and in the tank... i know i always kinda look around my LFS when i go searching for the right rocks.... im pretty full right now i dont think i can fit too much more if anything.... but its always fun looking....
ive heard of people makin there own base rock but im not sure too much into the detail maybe u can do a thread search and find something or ask someone here on the board im sure they have loads of info!!
good luck


i feel your pain with the tsnk crash my 55 crashed in early december but so far it has been exiting starting from scratch and being able to fix all the mistakes i made the first time


Oceana had done a post a while back on how to make your own rock. It seemed kind of simple and her rock looks awesome. Search her posts and you should find it. Hope it helps. Your tank still looks good to me.


New Member
really good looking, one suggestion, put a background on it. it will make the colors come up so much better


LOL neptunus, I agree on that. I've been saying that to myself for a long time. I used to have a black background and took it off because the magnet messed it up when I would clean. Since putting on the UV, I never need to clean the back. I will be putting one up when I get off my butt this weekend perhapse...
druluv, I had a pair of coral cats that grew from really tiny like these new guys to about 5 inches in length. They were huge and really neat to watch. The only issue I had, was they moved so much sand to make their beds, they caused rock to tip and fall because of the loss of the sand beneath the roick. When I acclimate, I put the fish in a shallow bucked with the water they came with, then drip water in while using an airstone in the bucket (5 or so drips per second). after an hour, the fish go right in the tank. The corals love to eat anything, but they seem to love whatever trace elements they get from the sand. Notice in this pic how two are about as long as the power sweep power head. The big ones were about a year and a half old... I miss them. snif, snif