Current Sunpod Model 1064-Lunar Lighting?


New Member
I bought a 90 gallon tank off a guy on Craigslist and it included this Current Sunpod 48" Model 1064 that says it has Lunar lighting, but we cannot figure out how it works, and the manufacturer's website is no help at all. Theres another plus in it, are we suppose to have an extra plug in to get it on? Theres also 2 additional switches on the end that seem to do nothing. Any info on this would be greatly appreciated. I have a lobster and serpent starfish I never see as they are nocturnal, would be cool if I could see them at night with the lunar feature. TIA!
Northern Calif


New Member
Ok, so I need to buy a plug, do I get that directly from company or other online source? Thanks!