looking for a suggested current in my 55gal tank~ as of now i have a 402powerhead goin at about 270 GPH, should i add another one of those or maybe the 802 model? thanks for the help
Best suggestion is to maybe add one more,so you have one in each rear corner. Then just play with them till you jave no dead spots.
Every tank is diferent,so what works for perfect circulation for one,may not be perfect for you...
Yup no dead spots is the key. If you have a FO tank then you really don't have to worry all that much about current as long as they is enough to keep it going
If you have a reef then it might a different story. Even then the currect flow recommendations change dramatically b/w softies and sps.
How do you tell if you have dead spots? I know what they are and what they're caused by, but how do you tell if you got it all covered? I have a 55 long with two Maxi 1200 powerheads and two rio 800's... Should be good but...
Any suggestions?
Look around for any spots where anything like extra flake food, etc., is gathering. If it is sitting there, chances are you don't have circulation in that spot.