Custom 150 Gallon Tank


Active Member
I have the opportunity to purchase a new tank through a custom builder in TN that will deliver the tank to my area, and wanted to know what you all think:
150 gallon aquarium (60"L x 24"W x 25"H) with a low iron front pane (similar to Starphire), rear-center glass overflow with black acrylic cover, and three 1 1/2" bulkheads in the overflow for $470.
I initially plan to use the two outer 1 1/2" drains for the sump drain with an Iwaki 55 or 70 returning through the center bulkhead. Two Tunze Turbelle Stream 6000s will provide supplemental and randomized circulation.
If there are any suggestions anyone would like to make, I'd love to hear them, as I have until Tuesday to finalize the plans.
Here is a crude sketch (top view) I came up with using MS Paint:


RobChuck I am thinking about getting a tank from them next spring. Their prices and reputation are excellent from what I've researched. Let me know if you get it, how much you like it.
Good luck!


Active Member
It's now definate that I'm ordering from them. They are at a show this weekend, so my order will go in on Tuesday, and the tank will be ready for pickup by the end of May. I'll get some pictures up when it comes in.
For a few extra dollars, I've decided to have the front (already planned) and now the sides constructed out of their low iron glass. It's not quite as clear as Starphire, but the clarity is definately worth it in my opinion.
What do you all think about my drain plans, and the flexibility for the future?


That's the exact dimensions of my tank that I got this weekend. I assume that because you have a center overflow, your tank is a euro style? If it has the center glass brace, how can you get your hand into the overflow boxes? I do like the price tag, it looks like a good price.


Active Member
That's a great price..I just bought a custom 120 gal Euro style Lee Mar tank with a starphire front panel for 1200.00.
One thing I would do for sure is get Euro bracing. You don't want that ugly cross bar.


Congrats RobChuck! post some pics as soon as you can. Do you like the center overflow or one in each corner? I can't decide how to get mine drilled. Good luck with the new se up.


Active Member
My order is actually going in today, and I'm still undecided on how I want the overflows placed. I don't really have a preference for center or corner, so I will have them placed wherever access to them is easier (the center brace could make a rear-center overflow difficult to access).
If all goes well, the tank should be in my garage by the end of the month. I'll keep you posted.


Active Member

Originally posted by RobChuck
the center brace could make a rear-center overflow difficult to access

I guess that means you didn't like my advice on getting Euro bracing?
Center overflows will give you better flow over a corner overflow because you'll have 3 sides, where as corners only have 2 sides.


Active Member
The order was just placed, and I was in fact able to get Eurobracing and a center overflow. This manufacturer typically uses a glass cross brace, but because the tank is only 25" tall, Eurobracing was an option. (Thanks for the suggestion Golfish!) I also took the option for low-iron glass on the front and both side panes.
The tank will be in sometime between the middle to the end of the month, and I'll be sure to post pics when it arrives.


Active Member
Just shy of $500; not including their delivery charge (they bring the tank to pet shows on 18 wheelers and charge $50 for transportation and pickup) or bulkheads.


Originally Posted By RobChuck
Just shy of $500; not including their delivery charge (they bring the tank to pet shows on 18 wheelers and charge $50 for transportation and pickup) or bulkheads.
That's an incredible price. Congratulations. Who's the vendor if you don't mind me asking. I doubt that we have one in California, but it's worth asking about.


Active Member
The manufacturer is called Glasscages and is based out of Tennessee. Skilos1 had his tank made by them as well.


Active Member
Glasscages came to a show in Chicago this weekend, so I was able to pick up the 150 this morning. It was built exactly to specs and looks pretty good. The silicone work is all excellent, except for two spots on the outside of the tank where small amounts of silicone oozed out from under the trim; nothing an Exacto knife can't handle.
I won't be able to start setting the tank up until we move later this summer, but now knowing the exact dimensions, I can start designing the stand and canopy.


Active Member
Sorry for the quality of the pic; I couldn't get rid of the jaggies during downsizing. You can really see how clear the Ultrawhite glass is on the front pane compared to the green bottom piece in that picture.


Active Member
Glasscages typically builds this tank with glass cross braces at the ends and a glass cross brace over the center of the tank. Thanks to Golfish's suggestion, I was able to order the tank with Euro-bracing instead.
The three bulkheads are all Sch. 80 1 1/2" and just resting in the overflow, so I don't lose track of them during the move.


Active Member
very nice tank, I like the way they did the euro bracing. The bracing on my tank is a little wider then yours. You have a lot more open space then I do.