custom built wet dry?


i have a spare 10 galon tank and wanted to know if it at all possible to make a wet dry filter out of it, what would i have to do
what i was thinking of is to have 2 magnums 1 with carbon going into the wet dry, 1 with the watter polisher going out of the wet dry
inside id have some bio media, some ammo rids, and polyester filter pads
is this a good idea, will it work?
is there a better way ie 2 powerhads?


I would go with something larger.
The bigger the better.
More water volume,room for equipment,room for media, and room for macro.
If you set it up correctly there will be no need for other filters.
There are plenty of designs and info in the equipment diy section.


Active Member
Best bet is to use the search button at the top of the page or to search google. Can find all kinds of goodies on google lol. I would use bioballs instead of the stuff you posted.