custom sea life powerquad PC for sale. 100watts


Active Member
i also have a power compact set, ballast and bulb. Its one bulb with 4 tubes on it. 2 white, and 2 ulta actinic. its by custom sea life, retro fit kit screws right into a hood, 100 watts. 200 dollar purchase less than a month ago. Will ship with provided funds. Let me know how much your willing to pay for it. I'll let it go for $115 shipped.

john bowell

Are you upgrading to MH? I have just started my 90 gal and am pondering the MH lights. Pondering because I know they are very expensive. I currently have 2 40 watt trichromatic 48" lights. This is not enough light is it? Will your lights do the job in my tank with 100 lbs LS and 25 lbs LR and 75 lbs of Base Rock? Or do I also need to upgrade to MH ballasts and lights?


Active Member
this is a buddys tank of mine, how deep is your tank?
If you add these lights to your tank it should do fine. But you wont be able to have things that require TONS of light, unless you put them at the top of your tank
You have ALOT! of base rock!!
MH lights are for the corals that need alot of lights. I dont have them because of the electric bills, the cost, and how hot they run.
these should be okay for you. look into it if you can.