Cutting Green Ricordea Mushrooms


:help: I have tow of the mushrooms and read in a book that you can slice them in half or even into quarters to multiply them. Also that if they are not attached to rocks a dap of superglue will be ok. Is there any truth to this?


Active Member
yes you can cut them into 2 or 4 pieces, but no superglue will not work, you will have to net the frags onto pieces of rock


What fedukeford meens is , you need to put some netting over the frags to hold them down until they attach . Superglue rarely works because the shroom is so slimey expecially after being cut.


Active Member
superglue GEL is what is used and it does work 90% of the time. You have to "dab" the cut shroom with a papertowel and the rubble you want to use and then glue. Cover the rubble with the glued shroom on it with a damp papertowel for several minutes to let the gel cure then replace in tank NOT in direct current or flow and should be fine.


Active Member
I've used thevsuper glue gel to repair loose coral and also in my first attempt to propagate xenia corals. I devide 2 into 2 and reattactched the coral to frags of live rock with the super glue gel. By morning they were up and pumping. it took another 24 hrs or so before the fully extended, but currently they're doing great.