

anybody know anyone that has every kept a cuttlefish, just out of curiousity. I saw a site talking about them and i find them very interesting.


Active Member
Check this place out...guy I know breeds and raises Cuttles.
He may or may not have any for sale, but be prepared for him to gather some info. He doesnt just sell to anyone...he's one of the best and wants to make sure his babies go to people who are gonna take care of them and has experiance with them.
{edit link}


wasn't planning on getting one. . .just curious. From his article you need a 200 gal for a single species and 59-77 temp. . . .chillers are expensive


Wow very beautiful cuttlefish. I had no idea they had so many different colors. Pretty cool.
AW2 just wanted to let you know my lion is doing great! You told me how to feed him and take care of a lion about 11 months ago. Wow he's doing amazing. Eating pieces of shrimp, krill, marine frozen food(no silver sides). I really gave up on lion cause i killed a couple. Cause the store told me to feed the guppies or gold fish. Now i know better. Keep them a little hungry and feed then the proper diet. Just seen you post a message and wanted to say thank you.
AW, thanks for that link! I'm considering setting something up for cuttles after reading the care sheet. What a cool animal.