hate to break it to you but that's a fake!! kittens eyes are fused when they are born. I've bottle fed too many to know! unless.......are we on x-files and i didn't know it??? (looking under key borad for camera) :hilarious
Originally Posted by rei511
hate to break it to you but that's a fake!! kittens eyes are fused when they are born. I've bottle fed too many to know! unless.......are we on x-files and i didn't know it??? (looking under key borad for camera) :hilarious
Originally Posted by rei511
hate to break it to you but that's a fake!! kittens eyes are fused when they are born. I've bottle fed too many to know! unless.......are we on x-files and i didn't know it??? (looking under key borad for camera) :hilarious
Unfortunately this wasn't a normally bred kitten. You will have to find the original article in Cy to find out. I am thinking Manufactered was at work here.
And yes unfortunately this is a true story. Poor baby.
I'm gonna have to say that somebody was playing with some kitty DNA. That eye is huge. like half its head. My grand parents had a farm with all kinds of in breed "farm" cats with all kinds of deformations , And I have never seen anything like that before.