Cyanide evidence


A few weeks back i bought an African Flameback Angle. My lfs specifacly said that it had not been cyanided. He has always been a really active social fish. The last few days though he started to hide a bunch and wouldnt come out of his little crevice area, not even to eat. Now he is DEAD. is this a sign that he was cyanided, or could it have been something else. Everything else in the tank is perfectly fine.


Without any other info its pretty much impossible to tell.
Amm / trite / trate / PH / Alk / temp / SG / tank size / LR / LS / what are you feeding it / what else is in the tank.


Most likely if cyanide was use your gu would have been bad at the outset.
But Eric Borneman of U Texas might have some idea about the symptom of cyanide capture. (He's the author of "Aquarium Corals") Check him out on Google or something; his reputation is that he'll always answer emails about the hobby.


Active Member
From what you described.... it could almost be anything. Cyanided fish I believe begin to lay on their side breathing rapidly upon their death. They may eat a LOT... but eating doesnt help at all and it just ends up going right through them.
What you described would most likely be (in my opinion) a stress related cause of death.


Active Member
Outward signs of cyanide exposure are disoriented behavior and unusally bright colors. Most will die within days or two weeks of exposure.
Based on the few words you posted I would say it was not cyanide exposure. Seems like he was acting "normal".


Active Member
Yeah, it doesn't sound like cyanide to me either. Also, a cyanided fish doesn't usually eat very well or at all.