

When it comes to Cyanide poisoning,
1) Is there any symptoms that are noticable? Can I tell a fish has Cyanide poisoning, while it is still alive.
2) How Long can it take for a fish to Show signs of Cyanide poison
3) No known medications correct?
The only thing that i have found is that most fish tend not to eat or eat very little.
Any Information that can be given to me is greatly appreciated. I can give a little history if needed. Thanks


Staff member
Give the history. Do you have reason to suspect cyanide posioning of your fish?


fish did fine for 2 months was eating brine, frozen formula 1, and mysis fromthe start. I got new lighting last week 220w VHO temp got upto 85 degrees, SHe was at the surface (big sign of stress). She looked ill, then 2 days later noticed she was getting a whitish coloring. next day i noticed 1 white spot on her so immediately removed her to a H-tank. with in 8hrs on being in H-tank she was laying on bottom of tank gasping for air i put a PH with air hose to allow more air into tank, then placed it backup top to break surface (best wayto oxygenate water). next morning she was swimming and laying, then for the last 3days she had been swimming and going in and out of the PVC she was still discolored and not eating like she did weeks ago. Today my wife calls to tell me when she got home the Flame was dead.
Reason I suspect it is becuase i have never seen a fish loose the coloring the way she did. I also suspect that it was a ich and fungi bacterial problem. I think that when the temp got high it stressed her out and her immune system wasnt able to fight off the ich. But I want to know more about cyanide since she was captured in the phillippense (spelling?)