Cyano and adding a powerhead


New Member
I have a 75 gallon tank that is a few months old, that is going through a bad outbreak of cyano.
I have been thinking about increasing the waterflow, by adding a powerhead (reducing the light won't work, since I have a couple corals in there)
Are there powerheads available that do not require the underground filter? Kind of a self contained unit? If so..any recommendations for which ones are better than others?


Originally Posted by cori
I have a 75 gallon tank that is a few months old, that is going through a bad outbreak of cyano.
I have been thinking about increasing the waterflow, by adding a powerhead (reducing the light won't work, since I have a couple corals in there)
Are there powerheads available that do not require the underground filter? Kind of a self contained unit? If so..any recommendations for which ones are better than others?
I prefer Maxi-Jet.


I recently bought two Maxi-Jet 900's and am happy with them as well.