cyano keeps coming back!!!



i dont know what the problem is, i am using RO/DI, red sea coral pro salt, coralife superskimmer 125, 2x250w hqi 2x 96w vho's (1 super actinic blue 1 10k)....i feed once every other day, lights are on VHOs are on from 930-1145
MH are on from 11-630 and vhos are on again from 615-9...i am bout to test my parameters so i can post those as well...i dont know what else to do i dosed the red slime stuff last time...but any help will be greatly appreciated


ca= 465
ph = 7.8-8.0
alk=7 dkh


Originally Posted by m0nk
Do you have enough flow in the affected areas?
there are 2 #4 koralia and a mag 7 return....but i think there is enough cuz it is growing on the substrate in the front


I was having the same problem. What I did was increase the water change frequency. It brought the bad levels down enough to inhibit the growth of cyno


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrthomas40
there are 2 #4 koralia and a mag 7 return....but i think there is enough cuz it is growing on the substrate in the front
That's plenty of flow, but be sure there are no dead zones. You could have 30x turnover and have tons of cyano if the flow isn't hitting those spots well enough. My suggestion is to place a fake plant in the area of the cyano, just long enough to test, and if it doesn't move then you have a dead zone and might need to redirect one of your powerheads.


Dead spots are often the answer and I agree whole heartedly with that.
Now you say parameters are good but I see you need to raise both your dKH and pH. So do that first. Then if you are sure your flow is ok vacuum out as much cyano as you can, scrape the glass (perform a general clean). CHANGE OUT CARBON AND PERFORM A 25 - 50% water change. Add some of the powdered red slime / cyano remover and leave the system run.


it is growing underneath the power head...i dont understand it i cant figure out what the problem is all the bulbs were replaced in august

got krabs

It will grow wherever there is light and poor water circulation. If you redirect a inlet in that direction you'll see that the slime will start to lift like peeling the skin from a sunburned part of your body( sorry about the discription).
I had the same problem and fixed it with several things. Less photo period, water movement, and addatives that I cant mention that will cure it 24-48 hours. I had alot of micro-bubbles as well mostly when the mh were on several hours.1 thing you gotta eliminate the priors first, lights and flow.


this is the second time i have had it...i used the red slime control stuff and it went way...thats when i started using RO/di water and a different salt change the light schedule from about 15 hours down to 12 and got the 2 #4 koralias and changed the bulbs...that did the job for a few months then the mishap with the hose coming off the return pump and i had to move the tank to the oter side of the room that was about 3 weeks ago and i started to notice it growing again on the sand about 1.5 weeks ago...havent dosed the slime control again yet...the 2 k4's in the tank both face the front glass so it will deflect causing semi-multi directional flow and the return is facing downward toward the sand where the stuff is growing....i scooped some of the layers out today and looked in the overflow box and it seems that is where it spawned from so i scooped a HUGE ugly mat out of ther and off the sand and i will try to maybe redirect the power heads some but i dont want to beat up any of my LPS well my one my water change frequency...hopefully that will work