cycle 3 weeks in to it


55 gallon with live sand and 10 lbs of live rock will add more later
ph 8.3
nitrite 0.0 ppm
ammonia0.25 ppm
nitrate 2.5
any guesses on how much longer i have to wait?


i had lfs check water last week and he said everything was 0 i checked today and there a little higher as stated above


Active Member
Hmmm seems that you did not see a spike, i am now assuming that your live rock was cured. just a suggestion but try dumping a raw coctail shrimp into the tank, by putting it in it will decay and cause ammonia in turn causing your beneficial bacteria to reproduce. You will notice your levels rising then leveling off, then in turn will start to come down. Once they hit 0 you are good to go. This is just my opinion and are welcome to take whomevers advice you choose.
Welcome and Good Luck


you are correct in your assumption. I got the rock fresh out of a tank that was curing the rock for some time. I will try the shrimp and see what happens, thanks.


My water parameters are almost the same and I'm almost 3 weeks into the cycle --- got 25 lbs of LR from SWF and had a sandbed (seeded with LS) going for a week prior to the LR coming in the mail. I have a 45 gallon tank. I can't tell if the ammonia spiked because my salifert test kits didn't come in the mail until this week. How will I know when I'm ready?


well i'm going to do a 20% water change using ro water. I will then check water parameters and then cross fingers and add one fish. It should be ok my inverts are.