Cycle Almost Done--What Should I Add First?


My 90 gallon tank is almost done cycling. I have all the necessities...100lbs live rock, 3.5" sand bed, MH Lighting, Protein Skimmer (though I haven't put that on yet since I want some of the junk to stay in there to help it cycle). I actually think it is done cyclingbut I'm giving it an extra week or two until I add anything. My question is what should I add first?
Cleaner Crew? Probably not since there really isn't much to clean yet right?
Corals? I know some require well established tanks...but are there some to put in there when the tank gets started?
Fish? No I dont want to add damsels to test the water :p. How would a couple Bangaii Cardinals do? If not those, what other fish are good for nrewly established reef tanks?


Well, even tho they are technically damsels, most clownfish are pretty hardy and have better temperments than standard damsels. Our Clarkiis are a bit aggressive, but I blame that on the other damsels in the tank and maroon clowns tend to be aggressive. Dont know much about Bangaii, sorry.
An easy, cheap coral would be a shroom colony, maybe GSP or some zoos if you're worried about water quality or money.
A clean up crew wouldnt hurt. IMO, start there. Maybe not a big package or anything, but add some snails, hermits and maybe a peppermint shrimp or emerald crab. All those should be cheap enough to "lose" and you dont want to let the algae get a foothold anyway. Just cause you dont see it right now dosent mean you wont. One thing about the peppermints, ours got a taste for small feather dusters, but they do have thier good points also.
HTH, maybe someone else can offer some more advice.