Rhugart, I don't necessarily have any knowledgeable advice, but as someone who just went through the same situation with my new 55 gal tank, I just wanted to chime in and sympathize. It's very difficult to watch this great stuff that looked nice and healthy on day 2-3 all start to choke and die. I don't know what the correct answer is, but at the time it seemed like all the ammonia was just killing things faster and creating a bad spiral. My ammonia topped out around day 9 or 10 I think. The only change of water I did was because I used a chopstick and toothbrush to get off a lot of the sponges and things that died and were creating a huge stink. I siphoned as much as possible as I brushed it. I don't know if it was coincidence or what, but things turned around after I got rid of a lot of the stuff that was really putrifying.
I have a CPR Bakpak on my tank, and so far I'm not happy with it at all. I don't have much luck getting a head of foam going unless I turn the bubbles way up. Turning the air on the slightest causes bubbles to exit from the outtake -- well before I can get any positive skimming action. On the other hand, my understanding is that skimming is collecting protein waste, which I'm not sure is produced during the cycling process. I don't have anything to compare the BakPaK (Bubble Producing Kontraption) against, but given a second chance I would try buying a Remora instead.