Cycle help!!!!


I need advise PLEASE. I have a 90 gallon fish only tank that I set up on 9/13/01. I originally had 6 damsels in it. All was great until my 5th week. I had to adopt 2 perc clown and a medium size yellow tang. After two days I had a red/brown algae outbreak. After three day 1 damsel died. I moved the two percs into a smaller tank.
I took and got my water tested and my nitrates starting going up. Im now at my 8 weeks and I only have now 3 damsels and the yellow tang. However the red/brown aglae is everywhere... I know this is due to high nitrates.
I have not done a water change yet since my tank was cycling. However my tank is at 8 weeks now and the aglae is everywhere..should I do a water change or keep going?
I have not tested the water yet again. Should I?
Thanks for the help.


a brown algae/diatom bloom is part of the normal cycle of a tank. get a clean-up crew of scarlet hermits and snails to help clean it up.


Wait out the cycle before buying anything else. The algae will go away soon after your nitrites go down. Don't add anything until after this happens. They will just die if you do add anything.
I am pretty new to this hobby, but that is what I was told when my tank cycled. I freaked out when it happened, but my lfs said to just wait. It will clear itself up.

mr . salty

Active Member
Exactly what are the water readings????Ammo,NitrItes,Nitrates. And you reall SHOULD have your own test kit.Running to the fish store to get your water tested could be alot more costly than the kit...Things can change quickly in a new tank,The ability to test your own water CAN save your tank and fish...