Cycle, please help


I just set up an 8 gal tank using established LR, LS & water from my other tank. The only thing that is new is my biowheel filter. I have several things I got for christmas that need a home. Do I have to wait for the full cycle, or is there enough bacteria in the established LR, LS & water from my other tank?
Thanks in advance


Active Member
If it's already been setup for a few days, then I'd say it's ok to start adding stuff, but not too much at a time. Just a few animals every week, spread them out.


Active Member

Originally posted by msitework
I have several things I got for christmas that need a home.

Such as what?


Fire shrimp, 3 scarlet hermits, porcelain crab, feather duster, false percula clown & a rock flower anomone.


You should be fine as long as your water/rock/sand is stable....I'd add the perc first and then wait a coupla days to add the others...Test your trates and phosphates every coupla days to make sure your tank doens't cycle again....(i doubt it will, just do water changes if it does) and you should be fine