cycle quarantine tank?


New Member
I am getting ready to order some fish for my 55 Gal. The water in that tank has cycled.
I have a quarantine tank that I will hold the fish in for a few days to make sure they are alright.
My question is this. Do I need to cycle the water in my 20 gal quarantine tank, If I only hold the fish in there for a week. Will the increase bioload make that tank cycle and kill the fish. I want to get 3 fish to starte off.


Active Member
Yes you should cycle the Q tank. You can take some water from your 55 to start it out. BTW its also reccomended to quarentine new fish for a couple weeks, not days. HTH.


New Member
What is an approximate time that it will take to cycle if I don't have anything else in the tank. I just have water and sand.