cycle question


Active Member
It has been 14 days so far and no trace of ammonia.
although I did not test until the 10th day, when it read 0ppm
and I have retested and it came to 0.
it is a 24q aqua pod, I used the sand from my refuge and used 20g of established tank water (from my 90g that has been up for about 2 years)
after putting in the sand and water from my other tank, I let it sit for a couple days, then I used some rock out of my 90g and put it in the aqua pod.
Do I need to force a cycle or am I cool? (did it already cycle)

bang guy

No need to force a cycle.
If it were me I would start feeding the tank to see if it's mature enough to handle a bioload. Feed it as if you had a small fish in there.


I would wait atleast a month before you put a fish in, keep feeding it as though there is a small fish in the tank. as the previous person had stated. No need to rush a tank...You've waited 14 so far, whats a few more days for years of stablity. :)