cycle question


New Member
I had some rock in my tank, which had not cycled. I added addtional rock, and the nitrates skyrocketed a day or two after the new stuff was added. Now, I'm wondering...once they go back down, will my tank be cycled? Or will that 2nd batch of rock have to cycle again?


your cycle starts with an ammonia spike, followed by nitrITES, then your TRATES rise. If the first batch of rock has not been cured, I would test for ammonia and TRITES. See what they are, then you can base your answer on your findings.
Your trates increased probably because of the new addition and for the die off. Trates are a biproduct of the final stage of the nitro cycle. Hope that helps & hope you have tested for ammonia and trites. Thats the only way to be sure if you are cycling. :happyfish