Cycle Question


So i am restarting my tank... since the last time the tank was setup it still had most of the live sand and some of my LR still in there... but i did previously take the water out and refilled it w regular water w/o salt in it... and it was sitting like that no pumps or anything running for about 2-3 yrs... i just added more water LR and some live sand to it after mixing the salt in.... just wanted to make sure i was using the feeding method to start the cycle again... do i need to recycle the tank and if so how long do you guys think itll take... and how often do i have to feed the tank?


Active Member
yes the tank is going to need a cycle initiated. Ghost feeding will work. or any other source of ammonia. cycles usually take about 8 weeks.
I highly recommend re-reading the beginners threads on how to start a saltwater tank to refresh yourself on the basics.


Well-Known Member
Your parameters will fluxuate for the 1st 80days imo depending on how much u mess with it. e.g. adding more LR, changing temp, changing salt, anything in that sense.
Good luck and keep us posted.