Cycle started....But some questions???

harvey floyd

New Member
My tank has been running for almost 2 weeks now. It is a 30 gallon with arogonite on the bottom and maybe 10 pounds of live rock. Yesterday I decided to help things along and throw a medium uncooked shrimp in there. When I woke up this morning and turned on the tank lights I noticed brown algea growing on the arogonite, and a few tiny spots appeared on the glass. Should I take the shrimp out? Where do I go from here? I did a search with no specific answers.


Active Member
the algae is probably diatoms, although a ugly, they are a good signt that you are progressing, no need to worry, and i would leave in the shrimp til the nitrItes peak, it will not hurt your system, to leave it in
have yo been testing for ammonia adn nitrites yet??

harvey floyd

New Member
I havent tested anything for 2 weeks. Ive been letting it do it's own thing. I was thinking of testing this weekend.


you will end up having several types of alge until your tank matures. you have to go through all the bad to get to the good. just have patience