cycle ?


how long after i put uncured lr in my tank (empty tank, nothing living in there yet) will i start to see an ammonia spike?


Active Member
Should happen quickly cause of the bacteria on uncured rock. It will happen in as soon as afew days, but will stay spiked for a long time,usually much longer then using cured rock.


so after a week, i still don't see any ammonia or nitrite but i am getting nitrates, is it possible the live rock i got already had a good growth of bacteria on it already or should i try to add a raw shrimp and see if i get an ammonia spike?


Yeah, stick a shrimp in there. I doubt you have cycled that quickly. See if you get a spike after that.


I added 80lbs of LR to my 72 gallon tank 2 days ago and im yet to see any amonia spikes. Only thing I noticed was my salt content was a little bit above normal but that went away the follwoing day and was back to normal. Oh and that my live rock had 2 snails and a worm, how the survived the trip on the rocks for a few hours until the rocks got placed in my tank is beside me.