cycleing + ich?? HELP!


New Member
Okay, my tank is still in its cycling process. I have some LR, some CC, and 3 damsles. Well, one of the damsels, the black and white striped one has what I believe is ICH. So, I have no QT tank, yes i know stupid me, and im worried. Is this bad for the cycling process and the other fish. I mean, what do I do? And this cycling thing by the way is annoying, i dont even know if its doing anything cause the tests I do arnt really telling me anything, they are all the same. Eh, still looks pretty though. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!

jimmy g

Another reason you dont cycle with DAMNsals.
The only thing I can think of since you dont have inverts or what not is to do hypo after you finish cycling and then return the fish to you LFS were you got them.
If you need further instruction as how to do hypo E-Mail me at


Or you could return the damsels now. Be sure to tell the LFS they may be infected with ich so they can quarantine them (if they would even bother doing that).
Then just let the tank cycle without them. I believe if you leave your tank fishless for a month, the ich will die off on its own.


If it is ich ( bunch of white spots that look like salt on the fish), then the only thing you can do is hyposalinity. The other fish are likely to get it also, since they are stressed from the cycle. Although, this will not affect your cycle process. I don't know if doing hypo in that tank would affect the cycle or not.
If you really want to save the fish, start up a hospital tank, and do hypo in that, although, I'm being pessimistic, I doubt they would even make it through that, as they are already stressed. But it is worth a try.
Whatever happens, once the fish die, or you take them out, you will need to wait at least 4 weeks before adding another fish, as it takes that long for the ich to completely die without a host. You can add inverts though, as they are not affected by ich.
What are your parameters in your tank?