cycleing my tank


Ok when i cycle my tank i will use damsels but i dont know if i wnat to have the fish in thier all the time after i start getting big fish or intresting ones i may opt to remove them as i hear they are agressive to even large fish
should i have them in ( i like how they look but dont wnat them to stress other fish out that i will get)


Active Member
If you are going to remove them anyway then just don't use them at all. You will save yourself and them a lot of grief. Damsels are very hard to catch sometimes and you may have to tear your tank down to get them.
Just use a frozen shrimp from the grocery store to cycle your tank. That works just as good and you don't run the risk of killing damsels in the process. Just drop a couple in your tank and as they begin to decompose, you will get your needed rise in ammonia, just like you would with live fish. At that point everything else will happen on its own. When the ammonia reaches a peak and begins to drop down, your cycle is almost over. This can take about a month. Remove the shrimp, do a water change and then you're ready for some live fish (an noone had to get harmed in the process)