Cycling a 240 need help?

Alright here is the deal, the tank has been cycling now for about 3 weeks, I have live rock, live sand, added bacteria, wet/dry/ fluidized bed filter etc. I never saw a trace of ammonia. The nitrites were very high, and now they are going down, they are almost at 0, the nitrates are not really going up, I would say they are between 5-10, Is it almost ready? Should the nitrates read higher? Currently the tank has:
15 damsels, large black tang, large hippo tang, large yellow tang, small clown trigger, small niger triger, small blue jaw trigger. Thanks, Justin


consider a 3 week old tank
how many lbl of LR and live sand do you have?
I don't think it fully cycle
even though ammonia and nitrite are 0 or you never saw any ammonia (if that is the case they are not at the peak yet)I think it gonna spike soon.
the tank natural Bi-o filter can not handle those Tangs you have.
That is alot of fish for 3 week old tank
what do you cycle with?
I assume with 15 damsels
I learned my hard lession,
did you quarantine those fishs for a bout 3 weeks prior adding to the main tank?


if its a 3 wk old tank ifs not done cycling. also thats alot of fish in that new of a tank. I hope you dont wake up to a surprise one day.good luck
Well we will see, things are looking pretty good so far, everybody is eating, everybody looks healthy, oh yeah, the tank has 240 pounds of live sand, and 200 pounds of live rock. The Bio balls were also somewhat cycled when we first put them in.They were in a friends tank) Justin


From that info Duece, you have a ton of live rock and sand i bet your all done cycling, have fun. And keep us posted, Iwant a big tank like yours!
ED :p