cycling a new tank


Well, I am about ready to start on my first reef tank. I am planning on starting the adventure around the beginning of Oct. I want to read more about cycling a new tank. I have read that if you used uncured rock you have to cure it. What if you use cured rock? Does it still go through a cycle? How do I start? Do I first buy live sand and LR? Or do I buy LR then a few weeks down the road buy LS? I have heard so many opinions, my head is swimming! If anyone could give me advice or point me to a good resource, that would be great!!


The difference between uncured and cured is that cured rock has been allowed to sit while the dieoff from harvesting and shipping is purged from the rock and all dead organic matter is cleaned out. For setting up a new tank, I would suggest uncured, as the dieoff is what will start your cycle and make your biofiltering capacity strong and healthy. You'll want to start with LS first, I would suggest getting enough to make a sand bed 4" deep. Place a few inches of water in the tank at the proper salinity, add the sand, place a sheet of clean plastic over the sand and fill with mixed saltwater until the tank is 3/4 full, then add your LR. I would go with 1.5 lbs. of LR per gallon of water, this is in the middle of the suggested range, and will allow you lots of options. Then, top off the tank the rest of the way, add a heater, protein skimmer(don't run for the first 2 weeks) and a few good powerheads for current, and let the tank sit for 4-6 weeks for curing time, doing small water changes every 2 weeks. Get a good SW test kit and after the second week, begin testing weekly to keep an eye on your levels. When the ammonia and nitrite levels have balanced out to 0, do one more good water change and you are ready to begin slowly adding livestock. With this setup, you will not need any additional form of filtration unless you simply want it. HTH and good luck.


Thanks guys!
That really helps me a lot.
Not sure if I will start with cured or uncured. I may go with cured simply because that is all my LFS sells!


If you want the shortest cycle time you should go to your lfs and buy 1 pound of cured rock per gallon, A 3 inch san bed or larger, and buy there already mixed water. With this set up i have had tanks cycle in about a week. You should still test everyday. It also depends howm large of a tank you want i had a 26 gallon cycle in a week and a 20 gallon in 6 days.