Cycling a QT


I'm have my puffer fish in 20g QT at the moment due to Ick. This tank was setup just a couple of days before I put the fish in, and no cycling going on yet. The puffer had ick so, I wanted to take him out of the main display. I'm thinking of getting a UV for that - it may help.
Anyway. I have been changing about 10g everyday as the ammon. is hitting about 1.0. The question is, should I use Ammo-lock for the moment, until the tank cycles, or still keep doing the daily water changes, which are a real pain!! The nitites and nitrates are still 0.0, so nothing is getting converted.
I took out some gravel from the main display, and a rock with algy on it, to try and cycle the tank quicker. Would Ammo-lock work for a few days?
Any suggestions.